A new, refreshed Website is on its way!
All of our classes are online on zoom with short-term access to recordings after the live class.
Equinox Ceremony
Join us for music, oracle and offerings as we celebrate the powerful portal of the Equinox this month. We will be preparing a special offering with the whole family to celebrate the powerful cycle of Father Sun and Pachamama, where everyone will have the opportunity to include their powerful prayers and intentions. Mama coca will be open to communicate powerful messages for these new cycles. Be ready for miracles!
Monday, September 23, 2pm Cusco, 90 minutes
Special price 35 USD to celebrate the launch of our refreshed website!
Will be recorded and you can email intentions/prayers in case you cannot make the ceremony live!

Pachamamanchis Hampi Sachankuna · Plant Doctors
Reawaken the powerful ancestral connection with the plant spirit doctors and navigating these worlds of Pachamama’s unconditional love. On this journey, we will discover the unique gifts of the plant healers, practicing how to call on and channel their miraculous medicine for absolute well-being, prosperity and harmony.
September 16 · Offering for our Doctors and Healing Team
In this class, we will connect with Sachamama through the white mesa. In gratitude, we will prepare an ancestral offering using special smudges, wild leaves, flowers, fruits, feathers and other elements from nature gathered along our journeys on the land.
Upon registration for this class, a list of special items will be sent to you so you can follow along preparing your offering as we’re doing it live!
Magaly & MariaElena
Monday, September 16, 3pm Cusco, 90 minutes
75 USD (240 USD for full course, 4 classes – will be recorded)
June 17 · Sachamama & the Awkis (recording)
July 15 · Plant Doctors for our Psychological & Emotional Temples (recording)
August 19 · Plant Doctors for the Physical Temple (recording)
September 16 · Offerings for our Doctors and Healing Team

Sami Ñusta · The light of the Divine Feminine
Women have always held a profound role in the realm of healing. As walking manifestations of Pachamama, our ability to cure, nuture and transform with just a leaf, herb, prayer or stone is miraculous. In this course, we will delve into the tapestry of rituals, wisdom and alchemic treasures passed down by our ancestors, decoding ancient ceremonies to be powerful medicine of the divine feminine on Pachamama.
August 27 · Protection Ceremony & Sami
As a medicine woman, it’s vital to always keep our space in the highest frequency. Today we will practice powerful rituals to keep ourselves in our purest essence, always cultivating sami and ensuring no low energies will have access to our ceremony.
Nelida & Puma
Friday, September 27, 10am Cusco, 90 minutes
75 USD (240 USD for full course, 4 classes – will be recorded)
June 28 · Rituals of the Divine Feminine (recording)
August 6 · Healing with Pachamama (recording)
August 23 · Cosmic Cleansing (recording)
September 27 · Protection Ceremony & Sami
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we build our presence in the virtual world. As we are honored to be sharing the Andean Wisdom from our lineage, it is a new process to shift into the digital platform. Please continue to registration form and see payment instructions below.
Gratitude & Blessings! -NOQAN KANI Global Community Center
Step 1.
Fill out Registration Form
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you can return back here to proceed to Step 2…
Please note that the payment confirmation email may take up to 48 hours to reach you.
Step 2.
Click the link below for PayPal, Enter your Total Amount
PLEASE: Add Name & preferred Email to PayPal Note