The attitude of gratitude is the best medicine!

Haywarikuy · Offering to Pachamama

The Haywarikuy [act of offering] is one of the most sacred ceremonies in the Andes. It’s based on the Andean law of Ayni, the rule that nothing ever goes one way. Haywarikuy is a way of giving thanks to Pachamama for everything she provides to us, her children. Preparing a despacho is a gift comprised of foods and elements that Mother Earth herself gives us; such as seeds, plant leaves, flowers, sweets, incense, etc. And, in presenting this offering, we may ask for protection, health, love, and more.

An offering can be prepared for powerful healings, blessings and manifestation. Traditionally, offerings are focused on physical health, blessing land, houses, romantic partnerships, journeys, spiritual path, families, new beginnings, business and projects; to bring in the rains and the weather shifts for crops and wild-fires; and even to manifest new homes, projects, financial abundance, and any other miracles we need to make our lives joyous, abundant and loving. The only limitation is our imagination!