Mesa Programs

THE CHAKANA PORTALS – the bridge between all worlds

Join our year-long mesa deepening program with the Chakana, aka. The Andean Cross and bridge between all worlds, where we will journey with the steps of the Chakana pyramid to the depths of our universe, the genesis of the Andean cosmovision, to bring back powerful gifts of liberation & healing for ourselves, our families & communities.

Throughout the year, we will learn about the 12 steps of the Chakana and explore the worlds of Pachamama: Ukhu Pacha (the inner world), Kay Pacha (the physical world), & Hanaq Pacha (the world of heaven); the Animal spirits: Condor, Puma, Serpent; the powerful Andean essences of Puriy, Rimay & Rikuy and we will be initiated into new levels of service for our global community.

Monthly released recorded video teachings; 12x60 minute teachings
Integration session every third Friday of the month at 2pm Cusco time; 12x30 minute sessions
1200 USD (payment plans)

  • Kuntur Mesa

    Embark on your path as a mesa carrier in the Qanchis Ylla lineage! Receive the mesa foundations of Papakay to lighten your heart and become a powerful pillar of light for Pachamama and our global community.

    4-month program
    Four (4) pre-recorded teachings (1x/month)
    Four (4) 90 min live integration sessions (1x/month)

  • Puma Mesa

    Pre-requisite: Kuntur Mesa Program

    Expand the foundations of the Kuntur Mesa to make your work even more profound. Bring the cosmic light of the mesa into the manifested world. In this 4-month program, we will add extra layers to the mesa to bring powerful healing to our family.

    4-month program
    Four (4) pre-recorded teachings (1x/month)
    Four (4) 90 min live integration sessions (1x/month)

  • Pukara Mesa

    Pre-requisite: Any Qanchis Ylla Mesa work

    Join a planetary circle of Masters with the ancestral Pukara Mesa of leadership. In this epic year-long program, we connect to the powerful Pukara Apus and cosmic forces to bring in ancient wisdom, initiations, and generational healing.

    Please note that this circle is heavily focused on supporting our planetary family and sharing sessions/Q&A's are of vital importance to our sessions and the power of this program.

    12-month program
    Twelve (12) 90-min live sessions (1x/month)
    combined teaching & integration