UNU · March 7

We will connect to the nature of water to absolutely purify heavy processes of the body and the physical temple with its cleansing flow, creating the space to activate and bless new life!

NINA · March 21

We will connect to the nature of fire to expel and absolutely transmute negative processes in life and connect our processes of this Earth to the heavens.

WAYRA · April 4

Air is the breath of life, the Samay, of everything on this planet. The air is a powerful element we can use to rapidly heal or transform negative energy just with breath and join the nature of wind being absolutely free.

ALLPA · April 18

The Earth gives us strength, stability and grounding. The earth element is constantly working to give new life, and develop thoughts, & projects. Connecting with the earth element also makes us quick to learn and is a master at healing through the sacred plant kingdom.