Welcome to the foundational Mesa practices of the Qanchis Ylla Rainbow Lineage from Chinchero!

By joining this program you agree that:

The intention of the RAINBOW MESA is to strengthen your communion with Pachamama and your Spirit Allies, and to be in best service to family and community.

I have chosen the RAINBOW MESA Program.
I have been chosen to receive the RAINBOW MESA Program.
I choose to be in this program with absolute love, respect and integrity.
May our Mesa be filled by divine love, radiant light, and infinite blessings.
May Pachamama, her Allies, Masters of Light, Ancestors, Guardians and Guides of the Rainbow Lineage be present and supporting my spiritual path.

All information received and shared will be held sacred.
I will remain in good Ayni with Noqan Kani Global Community by not reproducing any materials or sharing content that is meant for this Circle only.


Before next class:

Gather & prepare elements to build the Mesa medicine bundle

  • Mesa blanket – Peruvian woven or white cotton is perfect (approx 40x40cm) any other square fabric cloth which is sacred to you can also be used

  • 4 stones or crystals for the 4 directions

  • 1 crystal for the center

Find 5 Apus, mountain spirits – you can consult google images or choose mountains that you resonate with and choose which direction they will be responsible for before we program it in the next class. One Apu will become the centerpiece Awki who will be chief of the mesa – this is usually a mountain near where you were born or a powerful worldly Apu (Kilimanjaro, Kailash, Everest, Mont Blanc, Shasta, Fuji, etc…)

  • Anti · the Amazonian masters; the people from the East

    Apu · a powerful master of light; usually a mountain spirit

    Apu Ausangate · one of the chief Apus of the Cusco region

    Apu Salkantay · one of the chief Apus of the Cusco region

    Awki · chief of chiefs 

    Aymara · language from the high plateau Puno region of Peru & Bolivia

    Ayni · sacred reciprocity; today for me - tomorrow for you

    Chavin · mother culture of many ceremonial practices in the Andes; a place in the central mountain region in Peru

    Cusco · capital of the Inca empire; the center of centers; naval of the world

    Hampi Kipu · Andean name for Mesa

    Kuntur Apuchi · son of Apu Salkantay; messenger of the Apus

    Kuyas · sacred stones/crystals that we put in the Mesa

    Mastana · Andean name for Mesa

    Mesa · andean medicine bundle; andean personal altar

    Minka · sacred teamwork; together we can do better & more for the community

    Ñusta · feminine spirit of Pachamama

    Pachamama · mother earth; mother of time & space

    Pachatusan · a plateau overlooking Cusco where Apu Ausangate & Apu Salkantay meet

    Sacsayhuaman · the altar of lightning

    Q’ero · living culture in the Ausangate reagion; the last descendants of the Inca

    Qolla · people from the high plateau of Puno region

    Tawantin Masintin · the communion & harmony of the 4 directions

    Tiwanaku · descendants of Atlantean civilisations

    Ylla Q’epe · Andean name for Mesa 

Programming the Directions & the Apus

Before next class:

Spend a full day in communion with each of your personally chosen programmed Apus. Take every opportunity throughout the day to call upon them and feel their presence. Begin with Awki, then connect with the Apus in the following order: East, South, West, and North. Stay present, listen, and allow the energy to guide you throughout the day. (Chosen Apus by Puma: East Apu Ausangate; South Apu Illimani; West Apu Salkantay; North Apu Illampu; Awki Misti)

  • Apu · masculine beings of light on Pachamama, usually Mountain spirits

    Awki · chief of chiefs, the chief responsible for the center of the Mesa

    Chinchero · hometown of Noqan Kani Global Community Center & Qanchis Ylla Lineage

    Kuya · sacred item we keep on our mesa

    Leyline · a line marking a specific energetic flow

    Ñusta · feminine beings of light on Pachamama, usually lake, volcano, waterfall, ocean spirits

    Qanchis Ylla Intiqchurikuna ·the children of the 7 Rays of the Sun

    Tayta Inti · Father Sun

Closing the mesa:

  1. fold west for Pachamama

  2. south for the Ñustas

  3. north for the Apus

  4. east for Cosmic Father

Directions meaning:

East – The portal of new life, opening to new cycles, Father Sun’s energy, new beginnings, and infinite potentials.
West – The portal of completion, honoring gratitude, wisdom, resilience, and the closing of cycles to bring liberation.
North – The portal to the cosmos, connecting us to the heavens, our star allies, the planetary family, and our cosmic origins.
South – The portal to Pachamama, grounding us in elemental forces, ancestry, nature spirits, and the eternal presence of our human family.

Programming the Elements & Animal Spirits

Before next class:

Spend a day with the element & animal spirit of each direction in the following order: East, West, North, South. Take every opportunity throughout the day to call upon them and feel their presence. (East: Fire, Hummingbird; West: Water, Condor; North: Earth, Puma; South: Air, Serpent)

  • Amaru · serpent

    Hampuy · prayer meaning come back, return back

    Kuntur · condor

    Paytiti · puma

    Siwar Q’ente · hummingbird

    Willka Allpa · sacred earth

    Willka Nina · sacred fire

    Willka Wayra · sacred air

    Yakumama / Willka Unu · sacred water