Pachamamanchis Hampi Sachankuna

plant-healers: children of Pachamama

For thousands of years, our ancestors have been deeply connected with the sacred plant healers and spirit doctors of the land such as the mountain, lake, elemental and animal spirits. Understanding their medicine and essence has been vital for the survival, well-being and prosperity of life on this planet – together we have been able to bring absolute healing and harmony to our physical, spiritual and psychological temples.

Join us in re-awakening this powerful connection and joining these worlds through the unconditional love of Pachamama. On this journey, we will discover the unique gifts of these masters, practicing how to call on and channel their miraculous medicine.

3pm Cusco time
June 17, July 15, August 19, Septemper 16

Zoom link is for all sessions
Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to settle into your sacred space and be ready for our ceremony.

click: JOIN ZOOM
Meeting ID: 880 8858 8622 Passcode: 064782

Note: Recordings will be posted within 48 hours after the Zoom session

June 17 · Sachamama and the Awkis - joining the highest circle of masters
Our elders tell stories of the powerful spirit doctors, invisible to the naked eye, carrying ancestral methods of healing. We live surrounded by the powerful chiefs of the land – the mountains, lakes, volcanoes, caves, waterfalls and rivers – each providing for and supporting their own team of powerful plant kingdom healers.

Everywhere on the planet, we have access to completely unique and special environments, plants and ways of healing. In this class we will discover how to access the magical world of Sachamama (the absolute chief of the entire plant kingdom) and work with the Awkis (master chiefs of the land) to bring the best, easiest and most gentle healing processes to our brothers and sisters on Pachamama.

July 15 · Plant Doctors for our Psygological & Emotional Temples

When our emotional and psychological temples become sick, the plant kingdom are some of our most powerful allies and guardians to bring back harmony, providig profound support in transformation and gentle liberation.

Join us in this journey to discover your unique team of doctors and spirits in the plant realm! Bring a plant, flower or essential oil that you feel your emotional or psychological (or maybe both!) need!

August 19 · Plant Doctors fo the Physical Temple

Our ancestors said that we can only become sick if our emotional and spiritual light doesn’t shine bright. When the physical temple becomes vulnurable in this way, the realm of Sachamama is one of our most powerful allies to bring balance to our temples. In this class, we will discover the magic of Pachamama in ourselves and let our light shine with the support, healing, love and care of these amazing doctors.

Septemper 16 · Offerings for our Doctors and Healing Team

In this class, we will connect with Sachamama through the white mesa. In gratitude, we will prepare an ancestral offering using special smudges, wild leaves, flowers, fruits, feathers and other elements from nature gathered along our journeys on the land.

Offering elements:

  • white paper

  • dried seeds (corn, beans, quinoa, wheat, peanuts, cereals, rice)

  • dried leaves (coca or bay leaves)

  • dried or fresh flowers

  • anis

  • dried fruits (cherries, rises, berries, coconut, etc.) 

  • a gold and silver thread or wool

  • a special element from a pilgrimage to a sacred place, such us leaves gathered from a river or lake or waterfalls, feathers that arrived to you through the nature, any nests of birds (naturally fallen from the trees, special wildflowers, any gift being given to you by Sacha mama).

Smudge elements:

  • incense

  • cinnamon

  • any dried fruit peal

  • an essential oil that you consider special for the smudge

  • florida water

  • any special element from a pilgrimage to a sacred place, such us leaves gathered from a river or lake or waterfalls, feathers that arrived to you through the nature, any nests of birds (naturally fallen from the trees, special wildflowers, any gift being given to you by Sacha mama)