ÑUSTA RIMAY | Ñusta Integration Program

Video Recordings available until January

Mama Piuray
15 September 2022

Call on Mama Piuray as often as possible this month to help you with every process that you need assistance with, and every Friday give her a small offering, such as chocolates, sweets, sweet wine or simply all the sweetness of your heart. If you have the element of water near you, such as a lake or a body of water, then call on Mama Piuray to come and be present when you give the offering to the lake.

Visualise yourself on top of the mountain top again, and this time go into the waters of the lake. Visualise yourself going through the crystal water and travelling to the temples deep in Piuray, meeting powerful princesses and princes that are carriers of sacred knowledge and wisdom. Bring all these alchemic treasure back, and always remember to call yourself back with Hampuy when you are complete.

Enjoy deepening your connection to this sacred Ñusta and we are excited to see you next month with the next Ñusta!

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Mama Perolniyoq
22 October 2022

Mama Chakan
12 November 2022

Mama Qoltama & Mama Simona
10 December 2022