This journey is to awaken and raise the energy of the divine feminine within us. Through 4 months of profound connections and mesa work, starting from the basics, we will discover the special support & guidance of the powerful daughters of Pachamama: the sacred Ñustas

10am Cusco time
November 15 · Introduction & Programming the Ñustas
December 20 · Communion with the Essences
January 24 · Connection with the Elements
February 28 · Integrating the Animal Spirits

Zoom link is for all sessions
Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to settle into your sacred space and be ready for our ceremony.

click: JOIN ZOOM
Meeting ID: 873 9806 1457 Passcode: 805114

Note: Recordings will be posted within 48 hours after the Zoom session

Magaly · Nelida

November 15 · Introduction & Programming the Ñustas

To begin this journey, we will program the sacred Ñustas into the mesa while going over the mesa basics. We will listen to the stories of the Ñustas Waqaq Willka, Chakan, Mama Simona, Titiqaqa, and Qolqepunku, integrating their unique medicine into our lives as powerful allies of the divine feminine.

To set up our Ñusta mesa we will be needing:

  • A cloth (approx. 40x40cm) to serve as our personal altar cloth

  • A smaller black cloth (approx. 30x30) OR tawa cloth (cloth with the 4 directions)

  • A crystal to become the Awki (chief) of the medicine bundle

  • A seashell for the Awki to sit on

  • 4 kuyas (sacred stones or crystals which will symbolize the Ñustas)

  • A small bell

  • A bow or string to tie the medicine bundle together when it’s closed.

  • NOTE: if these items cannot be sourced before the first class, you can just program and add them later!

December 20 · Communion with the Essences

January 24 · Connection with the Elements

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Puma · Nelida

February 28 · Integrating the Animal Spirits

Recordings will be available until November 1, 2024