MOSQOY LLANKAY · dream work circle
The dream realm is a world of limitless possibilities we can learn to work with for powerful personal growth and awakening. Every night we receive messages and developing the ability to interpret them becomes an important instrument for learning more about our individual and collective consciousness. Sleeping is vital for us, it help the body & mind rest and reset, and if we access this potential consciously, it helps us have a greater awareness of our path in life, often providing hints on solving conflicts, clearing blockages, and bringing powerful healing.
January 10: Realizing the 5th dimension and our dream space
Every time we close our eyes and let our higher consciousness travel to the different realms & dimensions of the dream realm, we become connected with powerful ancestoral spirits, Masters of Light, and sacred spirits bringing their messages and gifts. In this circle we will be sharing important knowledge of how to experience the dream world, the ways we journey through different portals, and how we bring alchemic treasures from the realm to integrate into our lives.
Magaly & MariaElena
Available until January 26