Hatun Munay

Hatun Munay means to appreciate our blessings with infinite gratitude and live in the excitement that whatever the future brings will be greater than anything we could ever imagine. It means letting the inner child re-surface so that we may always be connected to the pure, innocent, and playful heart that knows no limitations – our ancestors have been dreaming for us to be exactly where we are right now, in this moment, in this service.

In this program, we will awaken the power of the puma essence, letting go of doubts & fears and instead trusting unconditionally that we are on the right path. We will practice the power of precisely using our intentions & prayers to manifest miracles, becoming the puma who doesn’t only hunt for themselves, but brings abundance to the entire community.

2pm Cusco time
Tuesday: October 29, November 5

Zoom link is for all sessions
Please plan to arrive a few minutes early to settle into your sacred space and be ready for our ceremony.

click: JOIN ZOOM
Meeting ID: 876 8558 3652 Passcode: 069747

Note: Recordings will be posted within 48 hours after the Zoom session

October 29 · Love & Health

November 5 · Spiritual Path & Abundance